There are now 13 awards for La Bombe.
Here’s the list:
The “BD Prémios” awards for Best Foreign Comic for the Gravida BD edition (Portugal)
The “Overseas Award “ at the Bucheon International Comics Festival in Seoul
The Grand Prix de la critique ACBD 2020 (the Comic Book Critics and Reporters Association l’Association) awarded by L’Association des journalistes et Critiques de Bande Dessinée (ACBD)
The Prix des Libraires du Québec 2021 award by L’Association des libraires du Québec (ALQ)
The Prix Excellence 2021 by the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec (CALQ)
The Albéric-Bourgeois – Bédéïs-Causa 2021 Award by the Festival BD Québec
The Cognito Award of the best historical comic of 2021 (Belgium)
The Carrefour Comic of the Year 2020 (Belgium)
The Cases D’Histoire Award for best historical comic of 2020
The BDGest’Arts 2020 Award for the best short story / one-shot, awarded by (France)
The Sceneario 2020 Award by
The Galons de la BD Award by the French Ministry of the armies
The Historique Award 2021 of the BD Evreux Festival.
Needless to say we’re still somewhat stunned by the awesome reception La Bombe has received. We can only be humbled and thankful.