A page that was done a while ago. Originally, this scene was written as the beginning of the story. But then, one gets (over?) enthusiastic and starts adding stuff while waiting for the website to be ready. Is it possible that being late with the website had unforeseen advantages?
Here’s one of the first layouts. At that point, I was still thinking in a regular, vertical / portrait format. It was a completely silent scene originally; the sound of the conversation was only inferred…
More recent ones. Note that I moved panels around after adding the intro to see if keeping the raven as narrator made sense. Not to say that the raven isn’t narrating the story anymore, but I felt we didn’t need to include him in every scene.
You can see in the center at the top a panel that attempted to include the city scene I had done earlier…
A reference shot of the Majestic Building in New York which inspired me for the government / military facility in panel one…
And the pencilled version with my addition of the statue. Note that I improvised some sort of bad art deco design in the center. I (thankfully) fixed this on the final…