Maelstrom 1 p20

Another one that’s been reworked to accommodate the modifications in the scenario. Rarely in comic books, do we leave so much on the “cutting room floor“. Especially when working as a writer / artist team, once the scene is written and put down to paper by the artist, there’s not much we can afford to change. Since I do it…

Maelstrom 1 p12

Knee deep in snow. Feels like home. While waiting for spring to wake us up from hibernation, the action here is on hyperdrive. The design of the page needs to give a sense of urgency. Smaller, vertical panels will help us get that feeling across.

Maelstrom 1 p11

Two videos for this post. Again, this page was a tough one. Not because it is a fight scene per se, but because I wanted to show a fight scene in a different way. This is more about the confusion that reigns in such a situation. Different ideas I tried…

Maelstrom 1 p8

The trick for this page was to have subsequent horizontal panels featuring a bunch of vertical shapes, the trees, without them looking too much like they’re one and the same. I tried to make them go out of the frame in different spots and changed the grey VS black tones to avoid as much confusion…