Award and Nominations for ARALE
Category: forgot to mention this at the time. Arale has been nominated for two awards recently.
Category: forgot to mention this at the time. Arale has been nominated for two awards recently.
Arale is now available to English readers!
Some of you may already have noticed, but I started publishing my videos on my own YouTube channel.
Another thing I forgot to mention. Upon publication of the book, the parisian Bdnet Nation bookstore made an exclusive Arale bookplate.
The word making the rounds is that blogs are a thing of the past. I must confess that I tend to lose track myself. Should I move on to other newer, trendier things? This right here IS in blog form, but hey, it is first and foremost about Studio News, isn’t it?
This one is entirely written by Tristan Roulot and is a nice way of setting up the characters as well as the “real” world.
Just a quick teaser video. In fact it is more like testing the animation possibilities of Adobe After Effects.
Here we are, in the thick of it, at a time where before bulletproof glass didn’t exist.
Yup, this comic is taking a different spin, but it’s still going.
Maelstrom has been on hold for a while, but this is a brand new start! Here’s what happened on the way to 2016.